PEMF Therapy
Want a holistic, natural, drug-free healthy option for your pet? Pack Leader Plus™ now offers PEMF THERAPY for both humans and their furry family.
What is PEMF Therapy?
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Therapy, better known as PEMF, is a way of healing illness and disease by increasing your body’s natural vitality. Countless scientific studies have proven how it can provide astonishing health results. It heals numerous disorders, diseases and injuries… without any of the harmful side effects commonly associated with prescription drugs and medical procedures. It’s a safe and natural way to literally recharge your body. It does this by targeting your body at a cellular level to stimulate cell metabolism and improve your health.
It’s a way to recharge every cell in your body so your cells are better able to uptake nutrients, excrete waste, and function optimally. The number one sign that your cells need energy support is pain. Pain and fatigue are your body’s cry for help — it’s how your body gets your attention. Other signs include dis-ease, weakness, reduced function of any body part, and emotional imbalances. PEMF Therapy can be used on both humans and pets.
How it Works
PEMF can work at a cellular level to soothe the pain and revitalize human’s and animals back to health in a safe and non-invasive way. PEMF can activate Nitric Oxide which is a molecule that promotes healing. In this way, PEMF therapy can aid in boosting cellular metabolism and oxygenation of the tissues, nerves, and muscles. So, PEMF therapy can be used for a variety of conditions suffered by pets.
It enhances nature’s ability to promote healing and wellness in your body. It does this by strengthening the natural electrical charges in your body’s cells to improve circulation and cell metabolism. This greatly improves the functioning of your body’s systems like your cardiovascular, digestive and lymphatic systems. By doing so, your body’s systems function better, promoting healing of illness and disease in your body. To date, it’s been shown to provide a wide range of health benefits for illnesses and diseases. Including: Arthritis, Asthma, Alzheimer’s, Symptoms of depression, Migraines Pain Relief, Parkinson’s, IBS and many more.