Sometimes it’s hard to know why you meet certain people and how they affect your life. God puts people in our lives to add joy, test, minister, bring turmoil, etc. We have to keep aware that all of these people are with us for “His” purpose,….even if we do not know what that is.
At times our family is in chaos, our minds, our work, our heart, but God is always there to watch and listen to you on what you’re asking him for. It’s in his time that you may or may not receive what you need or want. Patience is very hard for our society, who have been conditioned to do everything at a Super Stupid Pace! We want instant gratification and when it’s not received, we have a knee jerk reaction of anger.
Take time to realize what you have, don’t have or need, to see the big picture of your life.
Is that new purse really needed when your phone bill is so high? Is going out to dinner at $50-100 necessary when you could make a better steak dinner with your own talents? Is your kids/dogs suffering because you need to work less and exercise them and yourself more?
Pack Leader Plus and our services have been working for 7 days for a long time, and this year we stopped the Pack Taxi on Sunday (the Lord’s Day), to take time for ourselves. Please take time to smell the roses and help out another person. Sometimes even holding the door open at a store for another person is a start.